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No. 46/24

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Portada de General comment No. 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment: Implications for children’s right to privacy and data protection in Africa

General comment No. 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment: Implications for children’s right to privacy and data protection in Africa

he UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has published its much-awaited General Comment No. 25 on children’s rights in the digital environment in 2021. Much of the conversations since its adoption have centred on how General Comment No. 25 influences State behaviours in the western world or globally. Little attention has been given as to what General Comment No. 25 means for children’s right to privacy in Africa. This article seeks to explore the role of General Comment No. 25 in clarifying States’ obligations in respect of children’s rights to privacy and data protection in the digital era on the African continent. In doing so, this article first contextualises General Comment No. 25 in the broader context of the United Nations human rights system and analyses its recommendations on children’s right to privacy. Second, the article examines children’s right to privacy in Africa and analyses the specific features of the African human rights system that influence the understanding of this right. Finally, the article illuminates certain child-specific privacy and data protection measures that are being or have been included or discussed in the law-making processes and policy debates in a selection of African countries and links them to both General Comment No. 25 and the socio-cultural context of the continent.


Portada de The Right to Identity and Access to Information on Genetic Origin and Parentage

The Right to Identity and Access to Information on Genetic Origin and Parentage

Do donor-conceived children have a right to know the identity of their sperm or egg donor or should donors have a choice to remain anonymous? What does relinquishing donor anonymity mean for establishing parentage? Should laws regulating access to donor information have a retroactive effect? What are the experiences of children conceived with donor sperm? How can we prepare prospective parents for raising a donor-conceived child? Finally, how can we facilitate contact between children and their donors? These are some of the questions that are discussed in this book, which is the result of a multidisciplinary seminar on the right to identity and access to information about genetic origins and parentage, organised by RETHINKIN_, a Scientific Research Network (WOG) 2015– 2024 of the Research Foundation Flanders. The Right to Identity and Access to Information on Genetic Origin and Parentage explores the right to identity from an international human rights perspective and compares the national regulations of states that have waived donor anonymity. It describes different legal paths to discover or establish one’ s genetic origins. In addition to legal analyses, the book includes findings from psychological research on the experiences of (intending) parents, donor-conceived people and donors. Moreover, this book not only delves into the theoretical framework, but, additionally, assesses the practices of counselling, registration and providing information, and DNA databases.


Portada de Temas de derecho internacional para el diálogo constitucional chileno
Temas de derecho internacional para el diálogo constitucional chileno

La obra aborda las relaciones entre el Derecho Internacional y el Derecho Interno, revisando diferentes problemas vinculados a estas de una manera analítica y prospectiva, a fin de aportar al proceso constitucional que vive el país y al derecho público en general.


Portada de La virtualidad en la justicia y la inteligencia artificial en el derecho procesal moderno
La virtualidad en la justicia y la inteligencia artificial en el derecho procesal moderno

Este libro fruto de la investigación, se presentó en el XVI Congreso Internacional de Derecho Procesal . La inteligencia artificial, como parte de la quinta revolución industrial, ha transformado la interacción, el trabajo y la eficiencia en la sociedad, la educación, la economía y la justicia, proporcionando sistemas inteligentes para la investigación en el injuiciamiento de delitos.


Portada de La trata de personas, ¿es una violación de derechos humanos?
La trata de personas, ¿es una violación de derechos humanos?

La trata de personas ha sido recientemente abordada legalmente. En el año 2000, las Naciones Unidas adoptaron el Protocolo de Palermo. A nivel nacional, México fortaleció su marco legal aceptando la jurisdicción de la Corte Penal Internacional y mejorando su sistema de ombudsman alrededor de la adopción de dicho protocolo. Se promulgaron leyes nacionales para prevenir y sancionar la trata de personas. El objetivo de este artículo es responder la interrogante de si la trata de personas constituye una violación de derechos humanos, un delito o ambos.


Portada de Legal Capacity, Disability and Human Rights
Legal Capacity, Disability and Human Rights

Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognises the equal right to exercise legal capacity without discrimination based on disability, and obliges state parties to ensure access to the support a person may require in exercising it. Since its adoption, there has been a growing body of work by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, domestic and human rights courts, legal and policy researchers and civil society activists critically examining laws which restrict or remove the exercise of legal capacity based on disability. Traditionally, this work has focused on constitutional and legal standards regulating the exercise of legal capacity - guardianship or substitute decision making laws and mental health laws. However, reforming legal capacity seems to be an all-encompassing enterprise, which requires deeper attention to be paid to its historical, social and legal foundations, as well as the wide array of institutions that it permeates and their internal coherence. Legal Capacity, Disability and Human Rights comprises chapters by key legal scholars and practitioners in the field of legal capacity, disability and human rights from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa. The book aims to achieve three main goals to address the aforementioned issues.


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