Bases de Datos

Plataforma de información jurídica basada en inteligencia artificial, expertos en el tratamiento y difusión de información, con la colección de contenidos jurídicos doctrinales y oficiales más extensa del mundo, integrada por más de 130 países, 200 millones de documentos, traducción simultánea a 14 idiomas, actualización permanente, y funcionalidades exclusivas como selector de jurisdicciones, mapa de precedentes, línea de tiempo, textos refundidos, análisis de afectación de normas, correlaciones y citas, así como integraciones únicas con procesadores de texto como Microsoft Word, con almacenamientos virtuales como DropBox, One Drive, Google Drive y Box.

Tirant Online
Cuenta con millones de documentos de los 22 países de Iberoamérica, incluida la legislación, jurisprudencia y gacetas o diarios oficiales. Incluye, entre otros, una base de datos con todas las sentencias de la Corte IDH interrelacionadas con legislación internacional y nacional; la Biblioteca virtual LATAM con más de 4.500 obras jurídicas a texto completo de toda Iberoamérica, además de revistas Tirant y legislación internacional.
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HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides more than 194 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more.
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Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
The Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NQHR) publishes the latest evolutions in the promotion and protection of human rights from around the world. The journal welcomes articles addressing human rights law issues from an international perspective and also welcomes submissions that connect human rights to perspectives from international relations, history, political science, sociology and anthropology. In addition, the Quarterly also publishes recent speeches and lectures delivered on the topic of human rights, as well as a section on new literature in the field of human rights.
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Human Rights Quarterly
For more than a quarter of a century, HRQ has published articles by experts from around the world writing for the specialist and non-specialist alike. The Quarterly provides up-to-date information on important developments within the United Nations and regional human rights organizations, both governmental and non-governmental. It presents current work in human rights research and policy analysis, reviews of related books, and philosophical essays probing the fundamental nature of human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Human Rights Law Review
Launched in 2001, Human Rights Law Review seeks to promote awareness, knowledge, and discussion on matters of human rights law and policy.
While academic in focus, the Review is also of interest to the wider human rights community, including those in governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental spheres, concerned with law, policy, and fieldwork.
The Review publishes original articles on human rights issues in their global or national contexts, considered from an international or comparative law perspective. We also publish book reviews, and a section dedicated to analysis of recent developments in human rights jurisprudence and practice.
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United Nations Digital Library
The Digital Library creates content, data and metadata related to United Nations information, resources, publications, and documents.
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Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal
Redalyc es un sistema de indización que integra a su índice las revistas de alta calidad científica y editorial de la región, después de 16 años de dar visibilidad y apoyar en la consolidación de las revistas, ahora integra de manera exclusiva a las que comparten el modelo de publicación sin fines de lucro para conservar la naturaleza académica y abierta de la comunicación científica, de cualquier región.
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Scientific Electronic Library Online
El proyecto SciELO es una iniciativa de FAPESP (Fundación de Apoyo a la Investigación del Estado de São Paulo) y de BIREME (Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud). Desde 2002, el Proyecto cuenta con el apoyo del CNPq (Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico). Su objetivo es desarrollar una metodología común para la preparación, almacenamiento, diseminación y evaluación de la literatura científica en formato electrónico.
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Directory of Open Access Journals
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed in DOAJ. All data is freely available.
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Directory of Open Access Books
DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.
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JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
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Comparador de Constituciones de la Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional
La Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional (BCN), en el contexto del Proceso Constituyente en desarrollo, presenta el Comparador de Constituciones, un sitio que permite acceder a las constituciones políticas de 194 países, por primera vez en castellano. La navegación del sitio presenta la información de manera amigable y accesible, para su conocimiento, comprensión y comparación por parte de toda la ciudadanía.
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World Legal Information Institute
The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) aims to provide free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law. WorldLII is a joint initiative of the following University based Legal Information Institutes (LIIs).
The core idea of WorldLII is to provide consistent and innovative forms of access to all of the high quality legal databases found on WorldLII's participating LIIs, and on WorldLII itself. WorldLII also provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to accessing the vast quantity of other legal information available via the Internet, through its WorldLII Catalog and Websearch facility, and through translating WorldLII searches to enable easier use of Internet-wide search engines.
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Base de datos UNESCO
The UNESCO Digital Library is the repository of UNESCO’s institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information), with more than 350,000 documents dating back to 1945. It includes the collections of the UNESCO Library and several documentation centres in UNESCO’s Field Offices and Institutes, as well as the UNESCO Archives. The essential purpose of the UNESCO Digital Library is to share knowledge and to transmit it to future generations.
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